Friday, April 11, 2008

Linux... NTFS with NTFS

So I have this Linux box running Ubuntu Server 7.10 sitting at home, downloading all my of my... data... from various sources. After about a month or so of downloading I more or less filled up my server's VERY limited 80GB drive with a variety of software, movies, music and e-books. "Fortunately," I thought to myself, "I have this massive, monolithic 500Gb HD sitting next to my desktop, why don't I just put all the data onto there!" Sureee great idea in theory... not in practice. Some of you may already know of Linux's issues handling or better described, mishandling of NTFS partitions. I got it mounted in 5 minutes or less, closed out all my torrents, shutdown the downloader and started moving all my data over... Great! That worked just marvellously! I could see all the data watch movies listen to music and read my e-books all off of my external. I even ended up multicasting a movie to watch on the TV(via S-Video) in the living room and also for my computer to watch it simultaneously... from my external. "So" I thought to myself, "I can now unmount my external drive take it upstairs, plug it into my computer and away we go, no need to transfer media over my relatively slow 100Mbps router, I can now transfer at 4.8x faster or 300x faster if only i could find my e-sata bracket!" So the drive gets plugged in to my desktop, running Windows Vista Business x32 annnnnnd it asks to format the drive... Shock.. Horror... and finally I "Come to a sad realization...".......... Allow :'(